EXXTRA – Group exchange in France
We invite all EU clusters (except French clusters and those clusters near less than 200km far from the location) to participate in a Group Exchange organised in Valenciennes Cedex, France on 4-6 May. The event is organised within the EU-funded EXXTRA Project...
Multimodal Urban Day
Le port HAROPA et ses partenaires ont le plaisir de vous inviter à des démonstrations du bateau Zulu, des vélos cargos Swoopin et de l’application de tracking Multitel le jeudi 19 mai 2022 au matin au port de Grenelle. A cette occasion, des professionnels...
EXXTRA – Group exchange in Turkey
We invite all EU SMEs, clusters and scalling-up support organisations [1] to participate in a unique in a kind Group Exchange organised in Eskişehir, Turkey in 10-12 May. Eskişehir has a key importance for the Turkish rail sector, as it can be considered its hub....
ERCI Webinar – Europe’s Rail 2022-1 Call for Proposals for Research & Inno-vation activities
Learn more about Europe’s Rail 2022-1 Call for Proposals for Research & Innovation activities which takes place on Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 10:00-11:30. In this webinar you will learn more about the currently open Europe’s Rail 2022-1 Call for Proposals for...
Les technologies d’impression 3D métaux Low Cost
Au programme Présentation du projet FabricAr3v Jean-François WITZ, Opérateur chef de file du projet FabricAr3v | Centrale Lille Le programme INTERREG France-Wallonie-Flandres Eve-Marie VIREY, Equipe Technique INTERREG | Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France ...
Vous souhaitez valoriser vos compétences et savoir-faire auprès d’experts du secteur ferroviaire ? Déposez votre candidature pour le Concours d’Innovation ERCI (Européen Railway Clusters Initiative) avant le 16 mai 2022, minuit. i-Trans, membre fondateur du...
ERCI Webinar – Cyber Security and the Transport Sector
Learn more about Cyber Security and the Transport Sector which takes place on 13 April 2022 hosted by the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education. In this webinar we will present a series of presentations related to the Information Assurance,...