We invite all EU clusters (except French clusters and those clusters near less than 200km far from the location) to participate in a Group Exchange organised in Valenciennes Cedex, France on 4-6 May.


The event is organised within the EU-funded EXXTRA Project (“EXcellence EXchange and Teaming-up between RAilway clusters and ecosystems”) by the partner of the project and Host Organisation (HO) of the exchange – i-TRANS – Transport, Mobility and Logistics Competitiveness Cluster rooted in Hauts-de-France. The action of the i-TRANS cluster focuses on 6 priority sectors: the railway sector, automotive, aeronautics, electronics, smart mobility and logistics solutions.


The event foresees 3 full days of activities and consists of 3 main activities for the Visiting Organisations (VOs):

  • Gathering knowledge about both HO’s and VO’s activities, projects, R&D and Innovation, and other specific features and comparison analysis of market of transportation and composite technologies’ market
  • Sharing clusters’ best-practices and possible opportunities of collaboration (in EU projects, joint R&D activities, etc.)
  • Networking session among VOs and some companies (members) of the HO.


The exchange allows all interested EU clusters as Visiting Organisations (VOs) to know more about the French market (of railway industry, sustainable multimodal and urban transportation systems) and its potential; to discover technological and research capabilities of clusters in the exchange; to learn information about cluster innovation activities and best practices used; to develop new cross-border and cross-sectoral partnerships that can lead to new international projects. After the exchange, the VOs will receive a reimbursement for the costs incurred in the mission (as travel, hotel, etc.) equal to 450 Euro. The participation requires an obligatory registration and specific steps to proceed according to the project. For more details and registration please contact irina.vescu@ditecfer.eu by 10th of April 2022. Please find below the draft of agenda of the exchange.



Group Exchange in France description:


Host Organisation (HO): i-TRANS (Pôle de compétitivité des transports, de la mobilité et de la logistique), also member of ERCI (European Railway Clusters Initiative).

Duration: 3 full days (4-6 May, 2022)


180 rue Joseph Louis Lagrange




Draft Agenda:

All 3 days of exchange will be moderated by Amélie Esperou (EU & International Project Coordinator at i-Trans). She will also be as speaker of all presentations during the exchange and will act as contact person for all VOs during the networking event.

1st Day: Wednesday, May 4th

  • 09:00 – 13:00: Discovering specific characteristics of each cluster

Presentations of all clusters and their areas/sectors of competences: Vision, Mission, Priority Areas, Members of each cluster, Services, Achievements.

During this meeting, the HO will organize a joint presentation of its cluster with its specific features and will invite the VOs to present the same aspects from their cluster. The important differences and ideas/take-aways to be used will be emphasized at the end of each section.

  • 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch Break


  • 14:00 – 18:00: Discovering clusters’ members

Presentations of activities of members of all clusters (covering projects, network and synergies creation, technological and strategic monitoring, accompanying companies in internationalisation process):

  • Member composition and their typology in clusters
  • Relationships and collaboration among members
  • Model Canvas
  • During the afternoon meetings, each cluster will present with details its companies with focusing on their types, products/services, location, uniqueness, etc.. The HO operates in sectors as railways, automotive, aeronautics, electronics, mobility, logistics and is always keen to develop the innovation in transports. The VOs will present its cluster specificities.

2nd Day: Thursday, May 5th

  • 09:00 – 13:00: Exchange of clusters’ knowledge on research, development & innovation

Presentation of each cluster’s experience and knowledge of National and EU projects oriented to R&D and Innovation, success stories of participation and main tips to avoid.

During this meeting the HO will share examples on its R&D projects and Innovation knowledge in which the cluster is involved or has participated previously. The VOs will add their own experience in the same field. All clusters will share their observations about participation in previous EU R&D calls.

  • 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch Break


  • 14:00 – 18:00: Best practices sharing among participants


  • Cluster’s business model and internal management (Human Resources, Organization and Financial)
  • Cluster’s services and ability to attract/retain members
  • Cluster in its environment: funders, partners, network
  • During the meeting the HO will introduce to the VOs its best practices used in the cluster and its members. The VOs will suggest also from their side own good practices used to be implemented. All clusters will do a comparative analysis and will make conclusions how to change or improve their services and generally the cluster excellence.

3rd Day: Friday, May 6th

  • 09:00 – 13:00: Networking Session

The HO will organize a physical networking event with its companies and partners and VOs’ representatives, where all will present its products/services in the perspective of possible cross-border activities with the VOs’ clusters:

  • 10 minutes presentation of participants and their companies (HO members) present at the meeting. Telling about their solutions in transportation, mobility and logistics.
  • Emphasising main areas of interest for each company, their presence on international markets and defining possible ways of collaboration
  • Exchanging of contacts details and presentations


  • 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch Break


  • 14:00 – 18:00: Discovering joint points of interest in internationalization activities and EU projects. Conclusions of the exchange
  • Discussion about exploring new markets abroad together
  • Discussion about possible common projects/researches
  • Conclusions and main summarized ideas as result of the exchange
  • The HO will present its main target areas of interest for internationalisation and exploring new markets. A great importance will be dedicated also to projects and possible joint activities to be organised in the nearest future. The VOs will introduce their experience to the HO in order to see if any joint projects could be organised. At the end of meeting the summary of all 3 days of exchange will be done in order to highlight the possible outcomes and future collaboration points.